gvh microchippingThe chance of a pet running away or becoming lost is something that we never want to think about.  By microchipping your pet you are greatly increasing the chances of being reunited should you ever be separated. This permanent means of identification is not a tracking device, but rather a series of numbers embedded on a microchip, which can be registered directly to you. When your pet is found, it can be checked by any universal scanner.

It is also important to know that in the state of Pennsylvania, dogs 3 months of age or older are required by law to have a dog license. If your dog is microchipped, it will qualify for a lifetime permanent license.  This will eliminate the need to renew the license every year.

For more information on dog licensing in Chester County, PA – click here.

*If you have found a pet with a tag indicating they are microchipped, you can look at http://www.petmicrochiplookup.org/ to find the owners information.